Check Out vehicle
Go to Vehicles-Overview-Overview
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General Properties tab:
- Is vehicle operational or not
- Fuel/Battery status
- Is vehicle clean or not
- Percent of available space

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Requests tab:
Shows requests history for selected vehicle
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Loaded Items tab:
Shows list of loaded items for selected vehicle
Click CHECK OUT button

Check out
Reserve vehicle
Click on any vehicleStart to type users name and select user from dropdown list
Enter requested period and time Click RESERVE button

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Reservation will shown on mouse over vehicle icon

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Packing Lists
Click on any list to Edit or Click +NEW LIST button

Image: Packing Lists
Create new list
Step 1: Enter Driver, Vehicle, Loading Location and Destination Location.
Click SAVE LIST button

Image: Create New Packing List
Step 2: Add items to vehicle
Enter quantity, start to type item's name, pick item from dropdown list and click ADD ITEM button

Image: Create New Packing List
Repeat this step for each item

Image: Create New Packing List
When done click SAVE LIST button