How to create positions/jobs?
- Select your team on the left and open POSITIONS tab.
- Click CREATE JOB button
- Enter all required data (Role Title, Organization Unit...) and click SAVE
- Repeat above steps for each job

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How to assign, invite and confirm position?
- Select your team on the left and open POSITIONS tab.
- Start to type users name into a text field and select user from dropdown list to assign this job to him/her

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- Open MY TEAM tab
- Select user and click Action button at the right from his name
- From dropdown list select INVITE
- User's status will change to invited
- When user confirm invitation his/hers status will change to confirmed

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How to communicate with my team?
- Select your team on the left and open MY TEAM tab.
Send messages to multiple users
- Select All, Active or Inactive users from dropdown list, or...

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- Select each user manually by checking checkboxes next to their names

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- Click BULK ACTIONS button, select SEND EMAIL option and email form will open

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Send message to single user
- Open dropdown list by click button at the right of user's name
- Select SEND EMAIL or SEND TEXT MESSAGE and selected form will open